Human nuggets

We've all heard of the tasty snack "chicken nuggets" right?
After all, chicken nuggets are my family.
But what I am about to write will make you lose your appetite for chicken nuggets forever.
I was a small boy. I lived in a small town in the countryside. I was skipping along the sidewalk going "tralalalala" and then a tall, creepy, slender man approached me. It was a bit overwhelming but I thought nothing of it and tried to walk away from him. He grabbed me and put me in his white van. He knocked me out but I woke up well still in the van. I saw other children. Dead children. One eaten alive by crazed children. Some of the organs were spilling out.
I finally arrived at his house. It was a small house but that was just a ruse for cops. He dragged me through a hatchet under his bed. It led to a basement. There were other children there. All scared.
The man took one of the Indian 4 year old children with him by the hand. He whacked her so that she would let go of the teddy bear and left through the hatchet.
I was there for a few hours when the man came back with a tall slender grin on his face. He had a tray of what looked like chicken nuggets. I was wrong, so, so wrong. I wish I never ate them. I took a bite out of one of the nuggets he offered me and it tasted... Human. It was traumatising for me. All of the other children were forced to eat them too. It was obvious they had been through it countless times.
Hours after hours of torture, uh-oh spagettios and human nuggets. I was the last one left. The man then turned me into human nuggets and ate me. It was traumatising.